A Long-Term Care Solution in a Natural Setting
King Township has one of the lowest ratios of beds per seniors over 85 years of age in Ontario. With only 36 long-term care beds for over 27,000 residents and a long waitlist for these beds, our community requires a modern, accessible long-term care home for our seniors and their families.
For over 70 years, the Order of St. Augustine have been the stewards of Marylake – welcoming visitors and tending to hundreds of acres of preserved local natural heritage, while providing long-term care beds for King Township community members. The expansion of the St. Rita at Marylake Long-Term Care Home is a chance to provide modern, quality long-term care for more residents and their families in our community.
The new home will be a revitalization of the Marylake site, improving long-term care services to better serve the needs of King Township’s seniors and help local families keep their loved ones close to them as they grow older in a charming setting.
With your support for the St. Rita at Marylake Long-Term Care Home, King Township can take an important step towards addressing this pressing need.
For more information, please visit: St. Rita at Marylake Long-Term Care Home