Lent Schedule at Marylake – 2021
You are cordially invited to join the Marylake community in Eucharist and Prayer during This Holy Season.
March 28: Psalm Sunday in the Shrine
9.00 am: Mass
April 1: Holy Thursday – Solemnity of the Lord’s Supper
7.00 pm: Liturgy followed by Adoration until midnight
April 2: Good Friday
2.30 pm: Rosary in the Shrine
3.00 pm: Liturgy of the Passion of Our Lord
7.00 pm: Stations of the Cross in the Shrine
April 3: Holy Saturday
11.00 am: Blessing of the Easter Food Baskets
8.00 pm: Easter Vigil
April 4: Easter Sunday
9.00 am: Solemn Mass
April 5: Easter Monday – Emmaus Monday
9.00 am: Mass